Sunday, August 21, 2011


This blog is closed for various reasons which I will not mention here. It's been fun, see you guys around, keep safe and happy!


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Curry what?!

I recently came across a rather upsetting (to me anyway) piece of news. A local family was asked not to cook curry because the smell offended some new non-local neighbors.

I mean, WHAT?!

Sure, I agree, curry has a rather strong smell compared to the millions of other dishes in the world but surely it's not enough to actually create a binding settlement (a.k.a ban) the poor local family from eating curry?!

Let me list down foods that I will never eat (due to the smell):

-Stinky Tofu

As you can see from the list above, calling me a durian hater is an understatement. In fact, I have successfully banned my family from eating them at home (actually I just asked them tell me before they buy any home to eat so I can close and stuff up the cracks in my door first). And yes, I have moaned, complained, whined and raged against neighbors who constantly eat durians especially during the durian season but I have never EVER considered asking them to stop eating them, let alone submitting a complaint.

For a very simple reason, I live is a multiracial society and I am proud of it.

I mean, as a Chinese who contributes to air and noise pollution every 7th lunar month, how can we expect others to accommodate our ways of life if we do not allow others to have their own traditions?

Isn't it infuriating that after so many years of racial harmony (or in the very least, tolerance), we have to start changing our cultures just to suit people who refuse to assimilate into our culture?

I almost half-wished I had the address of *cough STUPID cough* the family in question. I just might 'donate' several bushes of the curry and lemongrass plants right on their doorstep, as a friendly gesture. :P

In the meantime, I will go cook a pot of Jap curry just for myself (mom hates jap food). May the smell permeate Singapore, stink out and drive away all curry haters.
