Spending, is a very simple piece of logic that people don't quite seem to get.
If you spend on what you DON'T need, you won't be able to spend on what you WANT.
For example. I can drop $20 a pop for a book when I want to because I never take cabs. (Unless for emergencies.)
Not clear enough?
A few more examples.
My handphone bills are never over $50 (again, unless I am overseas.)
I don't have a car. (Seriously, do you NEED one in Singapore?)
I buy a bottle of wine to enjoy at home when I feel the urge to drink.
Restaurant going happens only when I have additional money to spend.
I think thrice before buying something. Need, Price and Need. (With the exception of books of course.)
And guess what? I'm happily living on an income of less then $30,000 per annum!
So don't say I am rich. Evaluate on how you spend instead.
In fact, unless you don't have
-A handphone
-A car
-A PC with internet access
-A PSP/PS2/PS3/Xbox
-A credit card
-an monthly income of more then $1000,
you are not POOR! Calling yourself poor is an insult to poor people out there.
SO WAKE UP! And stop complaining/bitching.
P.S I've never called myself poor. Just occasionally broke, because, like all humans out there, we sometimes overspend :P
Speaking of overspend, there are so many sales on this weekend! There's the Kinokuniya Cardmembers 20% off 12-15 march, Charles and Keith Warehouse sale at 21 Tai Seng Road 12-15 march, and the IT fair at Suntec over this weekend. Thank goodness I have been thrifty for the past two weeks.
SEE! Save when you need to and you can spend when the time comes! I call it smart shopping.
A new itch: The new super duper mini iPod Shuffle with 4GB memory.

Now I'm starting to show the world my thought processes. -.-'''
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