Monday, January 11, 2010

Shittiest Soup

Parents said I had been looking a little bit peaky so Mom, in a rare mood of pampering, decided to brew me this Chinese Herbal soup that is good for blood production.

Came home and was presented with a medium sized bowl of brown-black soup.

1st sip, wasn't too bad. Kinda like Chicken Essence gone bad.

Half way through the bowl, the liquid was gone, only the sediments were left. Yeah. Half a bowl of pure grinded herb sediment.

That part was gawd-awful. Imagine fine sand and water. But brown-black. And smelly. And gritty. And uuuugggghhhhhh. The worst thing is, Mom insisted the sediments is the most nutritious part.

(I think she was secretly enjoying my pain.)

I think I'll gladly continue to look peaky.

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