Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Don't say things like that


Couple weeks ago, before Dad returned to China, my parents went out to some auntie's gathering of some sort, I can't remember.

What I do remember was Mom coming home and going on (in front of my father) how good life will be if we were rich. (Because the auntie was fairly affluent, I suppose)

Mom: See, even though the kids grow up le, never give money to parents, they don't mind, cos they are rich.

Me: Maybe because uncle still working, that's why they never give? Besides, the kids are working overseas what.

Mom: That's why rich lo. Rich le, no problems one.

Me: Rich also still human what. Will feel boredom, will feel lonely.

Mom: Who say, rich can whole day play, where got bored? Rich good la.

Immediately, I got so pissed, I went into my room to steam in silence. Simply because, she hasn't worked in over two decades, Dad is working his ass off in China and she speaks as if we are out on the streets begging. To top it all off, she said all that right IN FRONT OF MY DAD!

This is why I hate her so bad sometimes. Pampered little woman.

Remember, think twice about the things you say.

Quite a long time ago, someone once said to me on my birthday:

I don't know what to get you. You have everything, so I didn't get you anything.

I can't remember who said it to me in particular, I'm pretty sure it was a close friend and those words stuck with me. Another reason I hate birthdays.

Nobody in this world has everything. Keep that in mind. The wealthy may want a gift with attachment value, the emotionally rich might appreciate a material gift.

Perfection doesn't exist.

So don't say things like that when you simply can't be bothered to give something. It just makes you look like you have an emotional range of a teaspoon.

Now, I don't mean this post to anyone in particular, but it's another sentence I detest having uttered at me so many times by different people that I really need to get it off my chest.

Yes, I do know that I am living a good life, with money in my bank, food to eat, a shelter over my head.

But then again. Don't you have the same things?

Is your life really that terrible compared to mine?

Long working hours? Been there several times.

Insane family members? Check.

Stupid siblings? Check occasionally.

Financial problems? Been there, done that.

Screwy romantic relationships? Don't really wanna talk about it.

There. We are not so different, are we? Just because I try my best to be generous to people I love, to smile even when I'm not feeling particularly good, does not mean I am rich, or that I'm living a life without a single worry at all.

But then again. Maybe this just means everyone got me figured so wrong, I shouldn't even bother trying to explain.

Ah well. Just.... don't say things without going through your head.

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