Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sharks and lemons

For those who have picked up any old music score before, chances are, you would have seen a hex (#) like sign hanging about somewhere.

I was teaching the meaning of the sign to my beginner today, so I told her to repeat after me:

"This is called a sharp, come, try and say it."

Kid: "Sharp."

Me: "Very good, now, trace it."

Kid: *Silently traces.* "Finished!"

Me: "Okay, what was it called again?"

Kid (Very excitedly trying to prove herself right): "SHARK!!"

Me: "EH?!"

We started laughing our asses off. Jaws has invaded the music world.

The well spoken brat taught me a new phrase today.

Me: "Here, try this part again, let me hear the growing louder part one more time. No problem for you right?"

W.S.B: "Yup, easy peasy, lemon squeezy."

Me: "Huh? Easy what?"

W.S.B: "Easy peasy, lemon squeezy."

Me: "Oh. Right."

Yep, he's six. And yes, he stuck his hand in my bag again, digging around for my stash of Riccolas. I need a padlock for my bag soon.
Dad's home! Dad's home! Dad's home! Only for a coupla days, but DAD'S HOME!

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