Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Growing up

24 is a nice age, was my thought on my way to work this morning. Old enough not to be shocked at Life's random surprises, yet still young enough to enjoy every moment and experience.

Sis was gripe-ing about her mom coupla days ago and at the end of it, she said, "Your mom is better." (I have to admit, I love my aunt as an aunt, but really can't imagine life with her as my mom.)

It also occurred to me that, actually, I don't hate mom. Not really. Sure, once in a blue moon she treats me like crap, but then again, everyone treats someone like crap at some point of time or another, so yeah, I don't think I hate mom. Mom does have her good qualities, you can talk to her about almost anything (except borrowing money). I can even cuss in front of her, though she will start trying to cover my mouth saying girls shouldn't be vulgar (even though she cracks the dirtiest jokes I know). She listens to me when I say no, (like refusing to let a particular auntie join us on an overseas trip), and best of all, she always tries to show off my doodles (to aunties who also get impressed when they see an elephant paint) and encourages me to do more (even though I suckass).

Nope, I don't hate her for the way she treats me. The only thing I can't stand is the way she treats my dad. So in a twisted, childish and roundabout way, I treat mom like crap for treating dad like crap.

Makes sense?

By the end of my train ride, I had a new resolution. Treat mom better, treat dad even better.

Who said only girls deserve it?

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