Sunday, August 30, 2009


Dad, Mom and me were at Jusco's supermarket, browsing through the groceries when I spotted the teas. (Yes, I'm a tea addict, I love trying new flavours, just got my hands on Earl Grey and Tangerine, gonna try that tomorrow.)

Anyway, I saw Lime and Ginger tea and remembering Dad likes Ginger, I grinned and held the box up in front of him.

Dad: *Takes the box and stares at it*

Me and Mom: ?

Dad: *Stare at box*

Me and Mom: ?????

Dad: *Stare at box*

Me: (Maybe he can't read the words)

Dad: *Still staring at box*

Me: It's lime and gin-

Dad: *flings the box into the trolley without a word*

Mom: Buay gam wuan ah?

Dad: Got meh?

Me: LOL!

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