Friday, February 27, 2009

Return and rules

Returned from a 1 night trip over at Batam, Harris, Spa included.

The trip itself was good, the Spa was -very- nice and the people at Harris were fantastic.

But I'm feeling inexplicably foul.

I don't understand why.

1: I returned home to a lot of work left hanging
2: I returned home fairly broke
3: Work
4: Broke
5: I expected it to be fun-ner (if there was such a word)

Bah, I think it's bad timing on my part. Life doesn't seem to go the way you plan, no matter how you plan it.

Still, all the knots in my shoulders are completely kneaded out and I never knew I had such vampirically pale skin after a good scrub down.

Definitely going again, just for the Spa and Pool.

Harris is good.

Ack, feeling used again. When will I be able to spend time with humans who won't take advantage of my time/money/emotions?

It's tiring to keep watching out for my own well-being. Do everyone spend their entire lives like that? I certainly hope not.

I've had had enough.

-Ask me, never expect from me
-Talk with me, never at me
-I won't be around if you've never been around.

Three simple rules.

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