Friday, September 18, 2009

No Goal?

Here's a scary thought: There isn't an end to piano playing is there?

I have been doing a bit of playing, a little here and there to clock in some time in between stoning, teaching, gaming, reading and what-not. Today while waiting for my next student, I dabbled a little melody out of my aging piano and it hit me.

How does one tell if they have really mastered a song?

I did learn a few pieces, but I'll never call them mastered. Too many mistakes and the fact that I am still reading from sheets tell me as much. And the songs I have learnt are just but 0.00001% of the many pieces out there.

No end in sight.

Some people say I play well, others, (including me) think I play crap.

Welp, a step at a time, I suppose it doesn't matter whether I can master the songs I want as well I hoped, but if I tried, I think it should be good enough.

Time to consider changing a piano. Though I love this Kawai, it's getting on in age. Booo....

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