Tuesday, September 15, 2009


For Mas: Wii Sports has tennis, bowling, baseball, golf and your favorite, boxing. XD

Dad is addicted to wii sports: bowling, we've been having midnight bowling sessions the past few days. (I prefer the tennis myself.)

Midnight bowling in progress.
(Yep, that's a 'long kang ball, by dad. Heh.)

Weekend bowling in pjs.

Mom dislikes the wii, says it makes her sweat. -.-'' (But that's the point, ainnit?)

I think I need to buy another controller one of these days. Dad keeps whacking the main controller against stuff when he bowls. I think he forgets he's holding a sensitive piece of equipment instead of a ball. *heartpain*

I'm turning into a geeky toy lover!!

1 comment:

Jaden Tan said...

you need a bigger tv thats wat you need!